Date[1801050] : <神功皇后>18(0218)-11-30 <Redraw>
January 03, 0219 ISOWeekDate:218-W53-7
Calendar or Region Date Expression Notes for Year (?) Notes for Month Notes for Day (?,?)
Customizable Western 0219- 01- 03     January Sunrise(07:15) Sunset(17:02) Moon_Age(28.5)
Gregorian 0219- 01- 03     January
Julian 0219- 01- 03     January
Roman 0972(0219). 01. 03   Solar(3) Metonic(10) XII Ianuarius a.d. III Non. Ian.
Jewish 3979- 04- 29     Tevet
HinduLuniSolar 0140- 10< 14-    Pauṣa Kṛṣṇapakṣa
HinduSolar 0140- 10- 18     Makar
Tibetan 0345- 12- 29-  Earth-Dog(34) Pauṣa
ThaiLuniSolar 0762- 02< 15     Pauṣa Kṛṣṇapakṣa
China::後漢() 建安23(0218). 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
(Nihon_Shoki)() <神功皇后>18(0218). 11. 30   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
Korea::高句麗() <山上王>22(0218). 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
Korea::百済() <仇首王>05(0218). 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
Korea::新羅() <奈解王>23(0218). 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
(Auto selected) ChineseLuniSolar 四分暦0218. 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
(Auto selected) JapaneseLuniSolar 平朔儀鳳暦0218. 11. 30   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
(Auto selected) ChineseSolar 四分暦0218. 11. 26   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
(Auto selected) JapaneseSolar 平朔儀鳳暦0218. 11. 29   Erath-yang-Dog(34) Month 11 Water-yin-Goat(19)
Yi 0218- 11- 01   SouthEastYear(2) end of year days
LongCount 08.08.19. 16. 07       Trecena(10/13) Manik'(6/20) G3(3/9) 5Sak'/365
Ethiopian 0211- 05- 08     Ṭərr
Middle-earth 0219- 01- 11     Afteryule Wednesday
World 0219- 01- 03     January Tuesday
Sym454 0218- 12- 28     December
DeeCecil 0219- 01- 02     January
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